I'm so excited for the Holidays. I've actually been in a "holiday" mood all year. This is really unusual for me but I'm going with it.
I've been watching Holiday movies all year.
I know....I know.

When I was sewing for my doll show I watched a movie on Netflix, The 12 Dates of Christmas, countless times. It just makes me so happy.
I kept craving the cherry chip loaf they made in the movie. No recipe to be found.
Soooo, I made up my own. I'll post the recipe very soon :)

When we went to Park City, I fell in love with Dolly's Bookstore. Complete with an old cat named "Mr. Dolly". Yes, "Dolly" is a boy.
Jake was in love because I'm allergic to cats and this is one of the only chances he gets to be around them.
We found these great book parodies. They are just too good and so clever.
Of course one day, we'll have to read Jake the original books. Or he'll never really know :)

I've been doing a lot of crocheting. I love quick and easy projects.
I'm no professional when it comes to this craft so these are perfect for me.

I'm starting to work on my journaling again. I'm very excited.......
and to quote one of my favorite movies:
~ "You have a freak flag, you just don't fly it".
Until next time.....xo