One of my girlfriends I've worked with and known for almost 30 years, moved into a new place. Since she'll be living in a condo, she had no place for her wishing well. I'm so glad she thought of us. I LOVE how it looks in our backyard.
I think we found the perfect spot around the "Basket of Gold". They only bloom a very short time, but they are one of my favorite flowers in our yard. It seems each year they multiply. I want to stain the wishing well a little deeper color and plant a few flowers in the water bucket. I still have the "fake" flowers that were originally there.
I'm excited to get going on the yard work and get everything in shape. However, for some reason I don't mind a few dandelions around the wishing well. I think they look pretty around the basket of gold. I don't wear yellow, but I sure love it in the yard :)
Jake has been taking good care of his chicken girls and dog girls. He's such a kind heart and loves animals. Each day he announces how many eggs we have---Fanny's eggs are always a favorite. Gotta love those Americauna greenish blue eggs.
We painted the coop! I'm so in LOVE with the color. It's called, "Lush Sage", I think it's perfect. We just have a few more touch up spots and trim to add. Then it's time to landscape around the coop and dress it with some window boxes and maybe a "fresh eggs" sign. I have all these ideas in my head---just need to find the time and energy to get started :)
Hope you're having a great week! Yay! It's the Weekend---ENJOY :)