Oven Roasted Tomatoes
Roma tomatoes, washed
olive oil
Kosher salt
garlic, minced
garlic, whole-unwrapped
Pick fresh Roma tomatoes from the garden and wash. Cut in half, drizzle with olive oil, sprinkle Kosher salt and pepper. Top each tomato with minced garlic and sprinkle with basil.
Roast at 225 degrees for 3 hours.
I even did one pan of romas with pieces of garlic, unwrapped, that I will use in sauces and soups.
You can use them in spaghetti sauce, a great topping for pizza, soups, salads or just a snack.
I popped what I didn't use in the freeze for a later use.
You can also line your pan with parchment paper for easier clean up.....I guess I'm a rebel.